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Mad Durian

The challenge

In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, Hong Kong faced numerous challenges, including restricted dining options and limited shopping hours. This led to a surge in online shopping trends, even for products traditionally associated with in-person experiences. Despite travel restrictions, the demand for premium durian products persisted, creating an opportunity for innovative solutions.

The solution

Enter Mad Durian, a bold initiative launched in 2020 to cater to the discerning tastes of durian enthusiasts in Hong Kong. Specializing in fresh durian and an array of durian-based products sourced directly from Malaysia, Mad Durian quickly became synonymous with quality and convenience. Leveraging the power of e-commerce, Mad Durian initially operated as an online store, harnessing digital marketing strategies such as targeted advertising and search engine optimization to connect with its niche audience.

Building on its initial success, Mad Durian adopted a multi-faceted approach to expansion. Strategic partnerships with local retail outlets provided greater accessibility to its products across Hong Kong. The brand’s commitment to excellence caught the attention of influential social media platforms like ViuFood and uFood, culminating in an exclusive invitation to join HKTVMALL, the largest online marketplace in the region.


Design and Management Initiatives

At the helm of Mad Durian’s inception and growth, I spearheaded the development and execution of a comprehensive business plan. This involved meticulous market research, competitive analysis, and the formulation of a robust pricing strategy tailored to meet consumer expectations.

To drive sales and enhance brand visibility, a suite of marketing initiatives was implemented under my direction. From SEO optimization to captivating branding and package design, every aspect of the customer journey was meticulously crafted to leave a lasting impression. Harnessing the power of data analytics, I identified key insights that informed targeted marketing campaigns, ensuring maximum engagement with our target demographic.

Operationally, I assembled and managed a dedicated team committed to delivering operational excellence. From efficient inventory management to seamless order fulfilment and exemplary customer service, every facet of the business was optimized for peak performance. Continuous monitoring and analysis enabled the swift identification of areas for improvement, ensuring ongoing refinement of our operations to drive profitability.


The concerted efforts bore fruit, with Mad Durian celebrating a remarkable milestone in its inaugural year—a staggering sales income approaching 1000K HKD. This resounding success stands as a testament to the resilience of the brand and its unwavering commitment to delivering unparalleled quality and service in the realm of durian delicacies. As we look towards the future, Mad Durian remains steadfast in its mission to elevate the durian experience, one delectable bite at a time.



