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  /    /  Integrity 廉政風雲 煙幕

Integrity 廉政風雲 煙幕:

Bringing Poster Art to Life


As the much-anticipated launch of Integrity (廉政風雲) approaches, we’re tasked with captivating audiences and enticing them to experience the thrill of the movie firsthand. To achieve this, we’re transforming static 2D posters into dynamic animated versions that will command attention and draw viewers into the world of Integrity. By collaborating closely with the poster creator artist and leveraging specialized animation software, we’ll bring the essence of the movie to life, creating a visually stunning presentation that’s sure to leave a lasting impression on audiences.

The Idea

Our approach begins with a deep understanding of the poster creator artist’s vision and the overall aesthetic of Integrity. By immersing ourselves in the intricacies of the poster design, we’ll identify key elements that lend themselves to animation, such as the smoke effect. Working hand-in-hand with the artist, we’ll craft a dynamic animation that seamlessly integrates with the poster’s design, enhancing its impact and attractiveness on the LED screen.

Creating the Animation

Using specialized software like After Effects, we’ll harness the power of animation to breathe life into the static imagery of the poster. Our focus will be on realism and visual appeal, ensuring that the smoke effect animation captures the essence of Integrity and evokes a sense of intrigue and excitement. By meticulously crafting each frame and refining the animation’s timing and movement, we’ll create a seamless and immersive experience that transports viewers into the heart of the movie’s narrative.

Enhancing Impact and Attractiveness

The animated version of the poster will serve as a powerful tool to capture the attention of passersby and entice them to engage with the movie. By infusing movement and dynamism into the static imagery, we’ll create a captivating presentation that stands out on the LED screen, drawing viewers in with its allure and intrigue. Whether displayed in cinemas, on social media, or in other promotional channels, the animated poster will serve as a compelling invitation to experience the gripping tale of Integrity.


With our animated version of the Integrity poster, we’re poised to captivate audiences and generate excitement for the movie’s launch. Through close collaboration with the poster creator artist and meticulous attention to detail in the animation process, we’ll create a visually stunning presentation that elevates the movie’s promotional efforts to new heights. Welcome to Integrity 廉政風雲 煙幕—a journey into the heart of intrigue and suspense, brought to life through the magic of animation.
