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  /    /  Mannings Hong Kong

Mannings Hong Kong:
Elevating Chinese New Year
Celebrations with Interactive Magic


As the vibrant energy of Chinese New Year sweeps through the streets of Causeway Bay, Mannings Hong Kong sets the stage for an unforgettable celebration unlike any other. Through an innovative outdoor interaction experience, we invite visitors to immerse themselves in the spirit of the season and create cherished memories with their loved ones. From captivating 3D animations to personalized photo transformations, our project promises to delight and enchant audiences of all ages, adding an extra layer of magic to the festivities.

The Idea

Our vision for Mannings’ 2019 Chinese New Year outdoor interaction was simple yet profound: to provide visitors with a unique and memorable experience that would leave a lasting impression. At the heart of our project lay two key elements: a captivating 3D animation video showcasing the Chinese New Year message, and an interactive photo upload feature that transformed 2D images into mesmerizing naked-eye 3D displays. By combining cutting-edge technology with traditional festive cheer, we aimed to create an experience that would captivate the senses and spark joy in the hearts of all who participated.

The Creation

As the lead editor and content monitor, my role was to oversee the entire production process, ensuring that every aspect of the project was executed to perfection. From conceptualization to execution, I worked closely with our team to bring our vision to life, crafting a visually stunning 3D animation video that captured the essence of Chinese New Year. Additionally, I led the team responsible for implementing the interactive photo upload feature, ensuring that visitors could seamlessly engage with the experience and see their images come to life in breathtaking 3D detail. Through meticulous attention to detail and a commitment to excellence, we created an experience that surpassed expectations and brought joy to all who participated.


At Mannings Hong Kong, we believe in the power of innovation to create meaningful connections and unforgettable experiences. Through our 2019 Chinese New Year outdoor interaction project, we’ve brought together technology, tradition, and creativity to celebrate the spirit of the season in a truly magical way. As visitors gather in Causeway Bay to partake in the festivities, we invite them to immerse themselves in the wonder of our interactive experience and create cherished memories that will last a lifetime. Welcome to Mannings Hong Kong—where every celebration is a journey of joy and discovery.
